Monday 12 May 2008

Taekwondo - Championship of Catalonia / Campionat de Catalunya

My feet have not been my friends during the last few weeks. Due to what I believe is a serious double sided Achilles infection, not only did I recently miss my exam in taekwondo for the next belt level, but I cannot even attend classes as I usually do.

Yesterday, Sunday, I had the opportunity to watch the sport when the top representatives of the club where I train, Chois Vilanova – lead by Alfonso Rubio and Marta Calafell - took part in the Championship of Catalonia, in the disciplines techniques and exhibition.

Before we reached the prize ceremony, my wife signalled that the children were bored and that we had to go home. This was far from Chois Vilanova’s best competition ever, but they achieved some results worth mentioning.

In the women’s competition of poomsae (Korean for patterns) Marta Calafell took home the gold medal in the class senior II. She is thereby directly qualified to represent Catalonia in the Championship of Spain, which will take place in Madrid, June 8. Vanessa Aguilera won a silver medal in the class senior I and Patricia Rubio did the same among junior women.

In the women’s competititon of poomsae in teams of three, Vanessa Aguilera, Laura Castro and Patricia Rubio won a silver medal.

Chois Vilanova's mixed exhibition team only won a bronze medal this time. Some technical mistakes brought down the score of an otherwise well synchronized program.

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En general sóc content amb el Diari de Vilanova, però les pàgines dedicades als esports no tenen equilibri. L’ultim número pot servir com exemple. D’un total de 17 pàgines, la meitat (exactament 8,5) tracta d'esdeveniments de futbol. Aquest esport és tan interessant que fins i tot els equips que jugan en la lliga comarcal de Futbol-7 es mereixen ser presentats amb fotografies en color. De l’altra meitat, tenim dues pàgines per a l’hoquei sobre patins i tres per al bàsquet. Tots els altres esports comparteixen les 3,5 pàgines que quedan.

Al mon de Taekwondo, Chois Vilanova té un nom conegut, ja que el club sol aconseguir bons resultats en els campionats tant del país com de l’estat. El 11 de maig de 2008 va participar al campionat de Catalunya, celebrat al pavelló Mar Bella de Barcelona. Aquest cop va guanyar una medalla d’or, tres de plata i una de bronze.

Desgraciadament, no sóc un talent de la fotografia esportiva. No obstant això he decidit de publicar unes quantes de les imatges que vaig agafar. El divendres que ve ja veurem com el nostre diari presentarà el mateix tema.

Technorati tags: Taekwondo, Vilanova, Catalunya

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