Sunday 25 May 2008

Chikiliquatre's Success / L'èxit d'en Chikiliquatre

The commentators on Spanish TV all agree that Chikiliquatre succeeded in his mission: he saved the Eurovision - i.e. made the audience return to their TV-sets - in a country where people usually do not take much interest in it. Swedish media has not been especially nice to him, so I cannot help smiling when seeing that he (16th) beat Charlotte Perelli (18th), who one Swede after Swede foresaw would end up in the top five. Baila el Chiki Chiki grows on you, and we will hear him more than once on dance floors during the coming summer, not the least in Eurovision addicted Sweden.

I do not agree with my fellow countrymen that the wrong song won. I would have preferred to see Ukraine (2nd) as the number one, but Russia’s entry was my second favourite and very easy to remember. And what a good song Norway (5th) had, perfect for long trips in the car. Finally, who I thought deserved better positions? Bosnia-Herzegovina - eyes closed - (10th), Croatia (21st) and Denmark (15th) - I want to hear them again.

Up-date: Almost 14 million people in Spain watched the Eurovision during Chikiliquatre's performance. That is the highest audience figure in six years for a program broadcasted in only one channel. In Sweden the opposite happened - 2.800.000 people watched the show and although that is a high figure in a country with just over 9 million inhabitants, it is the lowest amount of viewers since 1996.
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D'els comentaris després de que guanyés Rússia, he entés que de veritat ha salvat el Chikiliquatre l’Eurovisió ja que la gent d’Espanya que havia perdut l’interés al esdeveniment aquest cop han tornat a mirar-lo. Això és un èxit tan gran com el seu resultat a la votació. No volem una altra Itàlia que ha decidit de deixar la competició.

I que bonica era l’emisió d’enguany. Un espectacle ben treballat - sobre tot les presentacions de les banderes dels participants - i un guanyador totalment correcte, encara que l’Ucraïna ha estat el meu favorit personal. També espero que us hagiu fixat a la canció noruega – preciosa.

Perdoneu-me, però penso que Suècia s’ha merescut la dolenta posició on ha acabat (18 de 25). Perquè l’Eurovisió és tan popular al meu país, hi ha molta gent que es veuen com experts del tema. A ells, el Chikiliquatre no els va agradar gens, o almenys no fins ara. Aviat canviaran de opinió, pam a pam però segurament. L’estiu que ve es bailarà el Chiki Chiki pertot arreu a Europa, i els suecs en serem especialistes. Al final no hi ha altres nacions que són tan aficionats a l’Eurovisió com nosaltres.

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