Saturday 31 May 2008

An Odd Funfair / Una fira molt rara

The 12th Trapezi festival started today. We are not fast when we move around in the town – me and our two sons on the push chair – still I was surprised to miss more than half of the circus acts I thought we would manage to see. Take note – the performances seem to start on time.

I cross my fingers that tomorrow will be as nice a day as today. With my wife keeping an eye on the boys I might be able to take some photos of the artist. And we will have to back to the odd funfair which has moved in on the Plaça de la Vila. I have promised my oldest son that we will go into the Teatro de Autómatas, whatever that is. And when he realizes that the chairs of the Ferris wheel are made of old toilets, he will probably want a ride there as well.

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Una tarda amb sol ha creat un bon ambient per al primer dia de Trapezi de 2008. Demà vol el meu fill gran que tornem a la rara fira que hi ha a la Plaça de la Vila, mentre que jo - amb la meva dona al meu costat - espero poder veure alguns actes des del principi fins al final.

No ha estat just que hem arribat tard als dos espectacles que hem volgut veure avui. Com pot ser que els artistes han començat puntualment? Que ja no som al sud d’Europa? Que ja no es tracta d’un esdeveniment cultural? Jo no entenc res.

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