Wednesday 28 May 2008

Circus Festival Trapezi/Vilanova

The coming weekend is a particularly good time for families with children and other cirkus fans to visit Vilanova i la Geltrú – to experience the annual festival Trapezi.

For a while I was planning to translate the program into English, but I realise that it is a bit too extensive and that the most important information – the classification of the acts (acrobatics, trapeze, jugglers, clowns etc.) and when and where they take place – is understandable in the Catalan version.

Two kinds of programs are available on the Internet – one chronologic version and one 18 pages long pdf-file with presentations of the individual artists. People who do not live here might want to print out the last pages of the pdf-file since there you find a map over the city centre as well as a comprised time schedule.

All open air circus acts (from 7 to 50 minutes long) are free of charge and take place in the squares of the town during the following hours: Friday May 30: 18.00-20.15; Saturday May 31: 12.00-13.30 and 18.00-20.00; Sunday June 1: 12.00-13.15 and 18.00-20.00.

In two tents in the field behind the technology centre Neàpolis, there will be 40 to 60 minutes long indoor performances. The nearby ticket office will open at 18.30 and the shows will run from 19.00 until after midnight throughout the three festival days. You will be able to buy food and drinks and to stress the social aspect of Trapezi, the bar will open until 02.00.

Let us hope that it will not rain in the weekend (it feels as if I were in Sweden) - I really look forward to Trapezi.
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Serà fàcil de trobar els actes que volem veure durant la dotzena edició de Trapezi/Vilanova - festival internacional de circ i firaires. El programa imprés està estructurat lògicament i te un disseny elegant en els colors que ja vam acostumar-nos a associar amb els programes culturals de la ciutat – vermell, blanc i negre.

M’imagino que el Diari de Vilanova publicarà un resumen, però també persones que vindran des de fora podran aconseguir tota la informació abans de sortir de casa ja què el programa pot baixar-se de la xarxa – hi ha una versió cronològica i una altra (un archiu pdf de 18 pàgines) més completa.

A mi em sembla tot ben preparat. Ara espero que no plogui (una idea habitual a Suècia però estranya per aquí) així que hi assistin la més gent possible.

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