Monday 2 June 2008

Trapezi - What a Festival! / Un festival atractiu

Trapezi/Vilanova 2008 is over and with the exception of some hours of rain during the Saturday, it has been a success. Judging from the amount of people who have filled the streets and attended the many free circus acts these days, I cannot the only one to think so.

To give some examples of what we have seen I can say that I laughed a lot during the show by Italian Tony Clifton Circus and although our oldest son most likely would have preferred to be elsewhere, he sat still throughout the performance. He mustered less patience with Fools Militia but, in all honesty, my wife and I understand him and would have left if this would not have been the only indoor show we went to.

Our children do not yet like acrobatics, so I was happy when my wife took them to a playground, letting me enjoy Los Zindare by myself. Finally, the performance by Penélope and Aquiles confirmed that our little one is still too young for any kind of circus. I thought it was humoristic and artistic at the same time and our oldest son seemed to agree but his smaller brother only wanted to go home. Although the artists had red noses - just like 'proper clowns'.
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Com familia vam agradar molt del festival Trapezi/Vilanova 2008, sobre tot del ambient que hi va haver a la ciutat – tanta gent, tants nens pertot arreu.

A més vam adonar-nos que els nostres nens encara son massa petits per al tema del circ, sobre tot actes acrobatics y espectacles on els artistes – per raons desconegudes per mi – parlen més que actuen.

La excepció més notable han estat
Penélope y Aquiles qui han aconseguit guanyar l’interés del nostre fill gran, encara que al principi del acte ha volgut tornar a casa. Però amb el petit de dos anys i mig no han tingut tant d’èxit, ells tampoc. La cosa d’avui que més li ha agradat a ell han estat els parcs infantils de Vilanova – els de sempre.

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