Monday, 23 June 2008

Vilanova Celebrates Spain / Vilanova amb Espanya

We are well past midnight but I still can hear how people shoot off fire crackers from their balconies or drive around honking the horn of their cars. A few minutes ago there was even someone playing “Viva España” on a very high volume. Vilanova is Catalan but tonight many of its inhabitants celebrate the fact Spain has qualified for the semi-finals of Euro 2008.

Swedish media has called the match against Italy a sleeping pill but that is not how I personally lived through it watching Spanish TV. Never before have I heard commentators stress so firmly that the whole Spain team was doing a fantastic match, independently of how it would finally end.

I was so happy when Catalan Cesc Fábregas scored the winning penalty and I am so impressed with goal keeper Iker Casillas and while – in spite of three and half years of integration – I cannot claim to be a dedicated fan of the sport, I truly hope that Spain proves to itself that it can win a major football championship. I cannot understand how Swedish media forgot to write that this is what Spain deserves this time.

Up-date: Through LaVanguardia I have learnt that the Italian press recognizes Spain's superiority yesterday. That is more important than what Swedish commentators might say.

I have honestly believed that Spain must be most Swedes' favourite winner, but judging from Politiken's survey in neighbouring Denmark, it is Russia which the Scandinavians now want to see as champions. How sad! Visca Espanya!
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Pot ser que un 'bon català' no celebri molt la victoria d’Espanya contra Italia, però - com Suècia ja és fora - personalment sóc molt feliç que l’estat on vivim ha passat als semifinals. I segons el soroll (petards, clàxons i fins i tot la canció "Viva España" a tot volum) que sentim al centre, no sóc l’unic de Vilanova de pensar així.

Durant els propers dies,
es parlarà molt de la selecció espanyola de futbol però aquesta vegada s’ho ha merescut, o això almenys és la meva opnió. M'estranya que la premsa sueca diu que el partit era com una pastilla per dormir mentres que jo vivia dues hores de forta excitació fins que en Cesc va marcar l'últim penalti. Deu ser una altra prova que estic perdent la perspectiva del meu país d’origen.

Actualització: Segons una enquesta a Politiken volen els danesos que Rússia quanyi l'EuroCopa. No tenen prou amb l'Eurovisió? Espero que els suecs siguin amb nosaltres.
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Sources: CAT: Avui 1 2; ESP: LaVanguardia 1 2 3; SWE: Sydsvenskan; DN; ENG: BBC


Monica said...

Visca en Cesc! It's all I have to say about Spanish football...

And - when will we se some nice review from the swedish sant joan/midsommer???

I can just conclude - life is unfair. And, with a bottle of wine accompanying this simple fact, I say bye, bye! See you from Sweden!

Erik Wirdheim said...

Hej Monica,

Både midsommarartikel och hejdå-kommentar dyker upp inom det närmaste dygnet, d.v.s. om barnen håller sig sysselsatta på egen hand!

