Friday, 24 April 2009

Dia de Sant Jordi 2009 - Vilanova i la Geltrú

The fact that it is already the third time I write about how Catalans celebrate April 23 - the Day of Saint George or el Dia de Sant Jordi - and the fifth time I experience this tradition makes me realize that we start to become 'locals'.

Interestingly enough, if two years ago I still wished for this day to fall during a weekend, this year I realized that Jordi Pujol (a former long-time president of the Generalitat, whom I had the chance to hear in a radio interview) is right: we should stop wishing for this day to become a public holiday since if it were, a lot of people would stay at home. The fact that most of the time it falls on an ordinary weekday only contributes to its popularity. And let us not take any risks - for many people this is the only day of the year they actually buy a book.

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CAT: En Stieg Larsson ja tenim a casa i, clar, el llegim en suec com que és la nostra llengua maternal. La meva dona va regalar-me L'últim home que parlava català d'en Carles Casajuana a mi i en retorn va rebre Muerte en Estambul del grec Petros Márkaris.

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Technorati tags: Catalonia, Festa, Independence, Vilanova


natalia said...

Hi, Erik:

could you somehow put this information in your blog? I think it is important for people to attend.

On Saturday there is an act organized by Intermon Oxfam of solidarity with the victim of war conflicts:

Festa de la solidaritat Un dia per a l'Esperança a VILANOVA I LA GELTRU

Programa de la festa:

12:00 Actuació de Dansa Endins
12:30 Contacontes: "El tamborer"
12:45 Concert de l'escola de música Freqüències

des de les 17:30 Batucada per la Rambla amb Markatú

18:30 Concert de La Brigada (en acústic)
19:00 Contacontes: "Cinc homes dalt d'un carro"
19:30 Teatre amb traCart: "Rèquiem per Darfur"
20:00 Lectura del manifest per la ballarina Belén Cabanes

tot seguit Concert de la Banda Mestre Montserrat

Data: Dissabte 25 d'abril
Horari: 11:00 - 21:00
Lloc: Plaça. De la Vila

More information under:


Erik Wirdheim said...

Hi Natalia,

Thanks for the information. I have "borrowed" Intermon Oxfam's picture and linked it to your web page.

I'm confident that there will be a lot of Vilanovins at this event tomorrow - the flags along the rambla are very good advertising.

And what a coincidence that you inform about this - I have a slightly bad conscience that, this year, I'm giving priority to my company's coming office opening party and therefore haven't signed up to help Oxfam. (I have done so at some of the earlier occasions).
