Sunday 22 February 2009

ENG: The Vilanova Dances

When it gets dark on Carnival Sunday, those who have taken part in the comparses have a long day of walking, dancing, drinking and eating behind. Still, many of them turn up at the Plaça de les Cols to practise the so called Vilanova Dances (danses de Vilanova). These are performed in groups of three peole – one man and two women - and on this day the music is played by a live coble.

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Technorati tags: Carnival, Catalonia, Festa, Garraf, Penedès, Vilanova


Anonymous said...

molt interessant aquesta crònica del carnaval a vilanova!!!

Erik Wirdheim said...


I tinc molt més material per presentar. Poc a poc pujaré més coses (les dances on sembla que vaig haver un problema tècnic, el Vidalet, el canó etc.).

Destaco que agraeixo tots tipus de comentaris que m'ajuden a comprendre aquesta ciutat - coses que he malentés o que caldria afegir.


Anonymous said...

"La Plaça de les Cols de Vilanova"... the name certainly brings back fond memories...still a child in the grim mid-seventies I first drove into Vilanova proper in my dad's car. We were bound for an exhibition of human towers to be held in the above mentioned "Cabbage Square". Since we weren't familiar at all with the city layout we stopped in the main avenue to ask directions from a local cop, a thickset middle-aged gentleman clad in the uniform of the "policía municial". Wary as I was of officialdom under Franco's regime, I chose Spanish as the default language and asked politely for the "Plaza de las Coles", since I honestly didn't know any better. His answer was curt and gruff, and delivered in Spanish with a heavy Galician accent: "you surely mean the 'Plaza del Generalísimo', boy". You're never too young to learn the true facts of life, namely that Generalissimo Franco was tantamount to a bunch of cabbages.