Friday 31 July 2009

Coming Out of the Closet

Some days ago the title "Que surti de l'armari" caught my attention in Vilanova Digital, the digital news service of the comarca Garraf. "May he (or she) come out of the closet." I understood the words but what was it all about? The YouTube clip attached made me conclude that someone was about to launch a locally produced horror movie.

A few days later came the answer: "May he (or, again, she) come out as a casteller". The movie has been made by the human tower team els Bordegassos de Vilanova i la Geltrú, in their efforts to recruit new people. They already count a young woman from Japan and a young man from Romania among their members. Will an immigrant from Sweden with two enxaneta aged boys be their next recruits? My wife would 100% say no. A look into my work calendar tells me to do the same. What my heart says is a different story.

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