Saturday 19 April 2008

Two Languages/Dues Llengües

I have had this blog for more than a year and I feel that it is time for a change. Not long ago, I started a blog about Catalonia and Spain in Swedish, which makes it possible for me to write fast comments without having to worry too much about the quality of my language.

Now the time has come to revise Wirdheim in Vilanova as well. When I started this blog, I had two objectives, both related to integration. While I judge that I have been very successful with the first one - to learn more about Catalonia, our adopted country – I cannot say the same for the second objective - to create a meeting point for expats living in this town. Looking at statistics, this blog has more visitors from the USA than from the town of Vilanova. Visitors from Catalonia are in minority while those from the world beyond always dominate. That was not what I wanted and to change that, I have decided to add comments in Catalan as well. It will be more time consuming, but it can be done.

Since I would not have the patience to write the same text twice, I will give the languages different roles. In English, my intention will be to discuss about Catalonia in general and Vilanova i la Geltrú in particular for foreigners who plan to move here or who already live here. Naturally, also short term tourists might benefit from the content. My comments in Catalan will be reserved for questions and doubts and will, hopefully, provoke a bit of debate as I develop my skills in the language.

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Comentari en català: En les meves últimes entrades vaig afegir unes poques frases en català. Tot i que encara no m’arriba el vostre aplaudiment, he decidit formalitzar això com el nou format del bloc. La meva esperança és que serveixi com una invitació a la nostra ciutat adoptada (Vilanova i la Geltrú) i també a la resta dels Països Catalans per debatre les meves opinions.

Reconec, que encara em queda molt per aprendre del català, però el bloc pot donar-me una oportunitat adicional per practicar i utilitzar la vostra llengua. Sense intentar, sense equivocar-nos no tindrem èxit.


Anonymous said...

Aplaudiment? Em sembla impressionant com escrius... Com l'has après a escriure tan correctament en tan poc (quant?) temps?

Monica said...

tonet - l'erik és un veritable "crak"! Mira el seu perfil, la llista d'idiomes que domina fa tremolar a qualsevol!!! (però, jo que també he après el català, puc dir que en gran part és una questió de voluntat, o gairebé només una questió de voluntat. Sabent castellà, aprendre catala és PAN COMIDO. Així de clar!

Erik Wirdheim said...

Gràcies pels teus comentaris tan positius, Tonet.

Tot això que sigui correcte, n'estic agraït a Google. I les moltes coses que són malament escrites - malgrat la força de l' eina mencionada - són per la meva propia culpa.


Tens raó a 100%. Per la gent que ja parlen el castellà, el tema d'aprendre el català és una qüestió de voluntat, res més.