Vilanova i la Geltrú is one of the municipalities where the town council will not give support to a referendum. When the opposition party CUP proposed a motion, only Esquerra, the smallest party of the local tripartit government, and opposition CiU voted with them. The governing socialists (PSC) and their smaller partner ICV-EUiA could count on PP to join them in a ‘no’.
Judging from the election results on any given level (to the town council, to the parliaments of Catalonia and Spain, respectively, and that of the EU), that decision is perfectly representative for Vilanova i la Geltrú, where from 50% to 68% of the population vote for parties which, in the most extreme case, want a federal state (ICV-EUiA), status-quo (PSC) or a more united Spain (PP).
However, the commitment of this platform in Vilanova makes me feel that the Catalan referendum movement is, in fact, not about a 'yes' or a 'no' to sovereignty, but about a people’s democratic right to decide (dret a decidir). If not, why would so many independentistes invest time in this project in a town where they know that the best possible outcome is a massive 'no'?
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Technorati tags: Catalonia, CiU, Independence, Penedès, PSC, Spain, Vilanova
1 comment:
That's right, it's all about the right for people to decide! Spaniards are scared to ask, we Catalans are only too happy to conquer this most basic democratic right, no matter what the outcome will be!
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