Thursday 22 October 2009

Erotic Emotions Let Loose in Vilanova

Last Friday, La Sala – Vilanova’s Centre of Contemporary Art – opened the doors to two new exhibitions. The main one is called Eros+Ismes: L’erotisme i la subjectivitat creativa (Eroticism and the creative subjectivity). It arrives in our town thanks to Art Catalunya, a co-operation between galleries which want to spread contemporary art also outside the centre of Barcelona. For 2009, they selected eroticism as a topic since it acts as an optimistic counterweight in a world marked by financial crisis, fraud and abuse.

Eros by Josep Minguell

This exhibition presents works created with different techniques, from 1964 until now - a few made by internationally famous people like Picasso, but most by less well-known artists. What I wonder, however, when reading in the program that “there has always been a connection between art and eroticism”, is why Miró and Dalí are not represented. To me, they are both obvious examples of that statement.

On the walls from left to right, paintings by José Portilla, Jordina Orbañano (Malgrat tot), and Josep Niebla (Teleporno). Sculpture by Antonio Beneyto (Eréctil).

The smaller exhibition this time is created by Alexpazumo and is called ‘Aurores emocionals’. The inspiration to it comes from the impact a scene from the science fiction movie "Soylen Green" had on the artist as a child. A TV screen showing the film occupies one corner of the hall, but the installation above all consists of of abstract formations in strong colours accompanied by sound effects.

‘Eros+Ismes’ can be seen until December 13, while November 15 is the last day for ‘Aurores emocionals’. La Sala is located at C/ Joaquin Mir 12 and entry is free of charge. The current exhibition is not the best one I have seen there but, as always, worth at least one visit. A few years ago I wondered if Vilanova really needs to have its own centre of contemporary art. To be honest, I guess not, but I will not protest since I realize that La Sala has become one of the many things I really like with this small town.

Venus Depilada by Eleazar

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Per cert: Aquest dilluns a la bustia de correus tradicional vaig rebre l’invitació a l’inauguració d'aquest exposició, la qual va tenir lloc el divendres passat. A mi, no m’importa gaire, ja que havia captat l’informació a través de mitjans de comunicació més modernes. Tanmateix i malauradament no és el primer cop que passa i per això em permiteixo preguntar: si no podem fer arribar les cartes sense retards, no seria millor deixar d’enviar-las? Si no per altres raons, al menys per estalviar paper i salvar un arbre o dos.

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Technorati tags: Costa Daurada, Penedès, Vilanova

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