Monday 10 November 2008

ENG: High Profile Castellers Meeting in Arboç

In the heart of the Penedès region, typically surrounded by wineyards, there is a small town called Arboç. Today, Sunday November 9, their local casteller team, the Minyons d’Arboç, celebrated their 50th anniversary. The plan was for it to be visited by a number of invited colles but it developed into a high profile meeting. Some weeks ago, the Castellers de Vilafranca and Colla Vella dels Xiquest de Valls as well as the Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls should have made a joint exhibition by teams which make human towers of nine levels (colles de nou). Since it was raining that day, someone decided that they should all make a new attempt in Arboç.

The casteller season is over, and already before the action started had we heard on the radio that neither of the teams would take the risk with nine levels this time. However, the weather was fantastic and the fact that Arboç is a small town made the event very intimate. The Bordegassos de Vilanova were there as well, and must have felt positively challenged by this opportunity to act together with the top teams.

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Encara tenim una connexió a la xarxa fatalment lenta a casa. Pas a pas pujaré fotos i clips – sobre tot el interessant gran castell que ha descarregat la colla Jove i que fins avui no havia jo vist mai. Si algun lector sap com fer-los una mica de pressió a Orange o a Telefónica (o als dos – de veritat no entenem qui és responsable) per que agilitzin el tema de tornar-nos banda ampla, digueu-me alguna cosa, si us plau.

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Technorati tags: Castellers, Catalonia, Human Towers, Penedès, Vilanova, Wirdheim

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