Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The 15th Edition of the Circus Festival Trapezi / Vilanova

In Vilanova i la Geltrú, the circus festival Trapezi is organized on an annual basis. This year's edition (May 27-29) was the 15th since the beginning and the total audience figure is estimated to have been 13.000 spectators. Trapezi is mainly held outdoors, in streets and squares, and most of the performances are free. The budget nowadays is obviously lower than before the crisis, but nonetheless the organizers seem to manage to carve out a certain niche as a festival where circus companies based in Catalonia have the opportunity to test their new numbers in front of a real audience before they embark on their summer tours, respectively. A new part of Trapezi are workshops where children and adults have the possibility to try acrobatics for themselves - this year you could swing on a trapeze, but, obviously, with the supervision of professionals.

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Find here below my earlier blog posts on Trapezi/Vilanova:

2008 – Vilanova Regaining its Circus Profile
2008 – Trapezi – What a Festival!
2009 – Circus Festival Trapezi Vilanova

SWE: 15 årgångar av Vilanovas cirkusfestival Trapezi

I Vilanova i la Geltrú organiseras årligen cirkusfestivalen Trapezi. Årets omgång (27-29/5) var den 15:e i ordningen och den totala publiksiffran uppskattas till 13.000 åskådare. Trapezi firas huvudsakligen utomhus, på gator och torg, och de flesta av föreställningarna är gratis. Budgeten nu är naturligtvis lägre än före krisen, med festivalen lyckas trots detta att skapa sig en allt starkare nisch som en arena där cirkuskompanier med hemort i Katalonien får möjligheten att testa sina nya nummer inför publik innan de ger sig ut på sina respektive sommarturnéer. Som en del av Trapezi ordnas det också workshops där barn och vuxna själva kan få pröva på akrobatik – i år erbjöds bland annat möjligheten att slänga sig i en trapets, dock under professionell överinsyn.

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Här har ni mina tidigare bloggposter om Trapezi/Vilanova:

2008 – Vilanova Regaining its Circus Profile
2008 – Trapezi – What a Festival!
2009 – Circus Festival Trapezi Vilanova

CiU Reconfirms Plans to Move Garraf Hospital to Vilanova

The health commission of the Generalitat has unanimously agreed to continue the plans to move the main hospital of Garraf to Vilanova i la Geltrú, and transform the exisiting one in Sant Pere de Ribes into a long-term care centre. This means that CiU continues the project originally initiated by Catalonia's former tripartit government.

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Read more in Catalan: Diari de Vilanova

Igualada will be Governed by CiU

Marc Castells (CiU) has started to take over the responsibilities as Mayor of Igualada (Anoia). In the May 22 municipal elections there was a major shift of power in the local town council. Jordi Aymamí’s socialists, locally called Progrés Municipal, went from 10 to 5 seats, while CiU jumped from 6 to 10; only 1 seat from an absolute majority.

The other groups represented in the newly elected council are ERC (2), PP (2) and Plataforma per Catalunya (1).

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Read more in Catalan: Anoia Diari

Montserrat Carreras (CiU) – Next Mayor of Cunit

With 7 council seats, CiU was the winner of the May 22 municipal elections in Cunit (Baix Penedès) and have now reached and agreement with ERC (1) and ICV (1) to form a local government with Montserrat Carreras as the next mayor. The new government foresees a smooth internal colaboration, since the same three parties have acted in a coordinated way during their recent time in opposition.

The other parties represented in the town council are PSC (5) and PP (3), which until now have governed Cunit together.

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Read more in Catalan: el3deVuit.cat

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Garraf United Against Racism and Xenophobia

In the evening on May 27, some 1.500 people in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Garraf) took part in a demonstration against racism, organized by Unitat contra el feixisme i el racisme al Garraf. Political parties, groups of immigrants and native inhabitants united with chants like “In Vilanova we are all immigrants (A Vilanova tots som immigrants)”. After the recent municipal elections, which in Catalonia were marked by xenophobic tendencies, Garraf can celebrate that in this comarca, Plataforma per Catalunya did not win representation in any town council.

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Read more in Catalan: Diari de Vilanova

Casteller David Miret – Catalan of the Year 2010

David Miret, leader (cap) of Castellers de Vilafranca, has won the prize Català de l’Any 2010, after having received 60% of the votes in the final round of a process carried out by the newspaper el Periódico and the TV show els Matins de TV3. The fact that UNESCO included the Catalan human towers in the UN list of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the green teams’ fifth consecutive victory in the Concurs de Castells of last year were strong argument underpinning his candidacy.

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Read more in Catalan: el3deVuit.cat

CiU and PP will Govern in Calafell (Baix Penedès)

CiU and PP have reached an agreement in Calafell (Baix Penedès) which will make Joan Olivella (CiU) the mayor of the town. In between them the two parties won 11 seats (CiU:8, PP: 3) in the May 22 municipal elections and thereby hold an absolute majority in the town council. Their joint program for the coming term of office will focus on employment, citizen services, transparency and citizen participation.

The remaining seats in the Calafell council are held by PSC (7) and UAM (Unió i Alternatvia Municipal) (3).

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Read more in Catalan: el3deVuit.cat

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Penedès Agenda - June 2011

Catalan Folk Culture (Cultura Popular)

June, 4, at the school Arjau of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Garraf): Human towers by Bordegassos de Vilanova. Read more in Catalan

June, 10, at Parc del Tívoli of Vilafranca del Penedès (Alt Penedès): Human towers by Castellers de Vilafranca. Read more in Catalan

June, 12, at 12:30 in the plaça de la Vila of l’Arboç (Baix Penedès): Human towers by Minyons de l’Arboç, Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls and Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls. Probably the most important casteller event in Penedès during the month of June, 2011. Read more in Catalan

June, 12 in el Vendrell (Baix Penedès): Human towers by Nens del Vendrell to celebrate the 85th Anniversary of this team. Read more in Catalan

June 22, at 18:00, in the centre of Vilafranca del Penedès: Diada dels Gegants - a parade with the local giants and "big-heads" (nans).

June, 25, in Sant Pere de Ribes (Garraf): Human towers by Colla Jove de Sitges och Xicots de Vilafranca. Read more in Catalan

June, 25, in Vilanova i la Geltrú: Human towers during the Festa Major of the barri Sant Joan. By Bordegassos de Vilanova och Jove de l’Hospitalet. Read more in Catalan

June, 26, in Vilanova i la Geltrú: Human towers during the Festa Major of the barri Baix a Mar. By Bordegassos de Vilanova and Xicots de Vilafranca. Read more in Catalan

June, 26: in Sitges (Garraf), Corpus Christi will be celebrated with decorative carpets made up of 220.000 flowers throughout the centre. Come in the morning, in the afternoon the flowers start to rot. Read more in Catalan

June, 26, in the barri Coma Ruga of el Vendrell: Human towers during by: Nens del Vendrell. Read more in Catalan

June, 28-29: Festa Major de Sant Pere in Sant Pere de Ribes. Read more in Catalan

June, 29: Festa Major de Sant Pere at Calafell Platja (Baix Penedès). Read more in Catalan

Other Events

June 9, Low Cost Networking by ADEG - Joves Empresaris. For businessmen and entrepreneurs under 40 years of age. Read more in Catalan.

June 18, at 23:00 in passeig de la Ribera of Sitges: the 1st Fashion Night Sitges. Read more in Spanish.

June, 23: Throughout Catalonia: La Revetlla de Sant Joan. Read here about how the flame of Canigou arrives in Catalonia on this day.

June, 24: Throughout Catalonia: Public holiday. El dia de Sant Joan.

June, 28: The International Day of LGBT Pride will, among other places, be celebrated in Vilanova i la Geltrú. Find here a picture from 2010.


June 1-9: Amors diversos – an eductational exhibition against homophobia – at the library Armand Cardona Torandell in Vilanova i la Geltrú (barri Sant Joan). Read more in Catalan.

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The Penedès Agenda is a collection of events which I recommend to foreigners (expats or tourists) who want to explore Penedès or events which I consider important from a – highly subjective – international perspective. It is biased towards the comarca Garraf (Sitges and Vilanova) but also covers Alt Penedès, Baix Penedès and Anoia.

The agenda posts are up-dated whenever I learn about new things. To the greatest extent possible will I link back to official pages for information on time and locations and cannot guarantee the correctness of the data presented.

Monday, 23 May 2011

A Shift in Power in Vilanova i la Geltrú

The municipal elections of Vilanova i la Geltrú have - for the first time - given us a female Mayor: Neus Lloveras. During the last few minutes of the vote count CiU surpassed PSC and all nervosity was replaced by the chant "alcaldessa!". I am convinced that this town, after 12 years with socialist-led 'tripartit´-governments', will benefit from the coming changes, but unfortunately CiU will take over a town where the unemployment rate is clearly above the average in Catalonia.

The phenomenon of "tripartits", which was born in our town, can be considered to have reached its limits. Here in Vilanova, ERC has paid a heavy price and will not be represented in the City Council during the coming term of office. However, this loss should not be interpreted as a sign that the Catalan independence movement is losing strength. The grassroots movement CUP has jumped from one to three representatives.

The change has begun. Together we must make Vilanova a better town!

SWE: Maktskifte i Vilanova i la Geltrú

Kommunalvalet i Vilanova i la Geltrú har för första gången givit oss en kvinnlig borgmästare: Neus Lloveras. Under de sista minuterna av rösträkningen gick CiU om PSC och all nervositet ersattes av skanderandet ”alcaldessa!” (borgmästarinna!). Jag är övertygad om att staden efter 12 år med socialistledda ”tripartits” mår bra av att det blir förändringar, men CiU tar tyvärr över en stad där arbetslösheten ligger högt över genomsnittet i Katalonien.

Fenomenet ”tripartit” - som föddes i vår stad - kan anses ha nått vägs ände. I fallet Vilanova har ERC fått betala ett högt pris och kommer inte att ha någon ledamot i kommunfullmäktige under den kommande mandatperioden. Förlusten skall dock inte tolkas som att den katalanska självständighetsrörelsen förlorar i styrka. Gräsrotsrörelsen CUP har gått från en till tre ledamöter.

Förändringen har börjat. Vi måste tillsammans göra Vilanova till en bättre stad!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Confident that CiU will Make Vilanova i la Geltrú a Better Town

On May 22, I have the right to vote in the Spanish municipal elections. My starting point is that the economy of Vilanova i la Geltrú - due to a scarily high unemployment rate, a growing municipal debt and a lack of private investment - is out of balance. I therefore hope for a political majority which is mentally prepared to carry out tough changes.

Local politics often lacks ideology, but as a Swedish liberal, I feel very comfortable with the business friendly election platform presented by Convergència in Unió (CiU). True, among the party candidates there are a few people who have a conservative opinion on moral issues, but they are in minority. On the other hand, in terms of private enterprise and personal effort, there is not a single representative who has a point of view further to the right than mine. This may reassure those who believe that CiU politicians are all heartless neo-liberals.

During one month I have closely followed the activities of the local CiU team and I am now convinced. I will vote for Neus Lloveras!

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If you have any questions about Neus Lloveras and the CiU election platform in Vilanova i la Geltrú - which I know well - or that of Xavier Trias and CiU for Barcelona – which I want to learn better - please write a comment and I will try to answer.

SWE: Jag litar på att CiU gör Vilanova i la Geltrú till en bättre stad

Den 22/5 får jag rösta i de spanska kommunalvalen. Min utgångspunkt är att samhällsekonomin i Vilanova i la Geltrú - pga skrämmande hög arbetslöshet, växande kommunala skulder och bristande privata investeringar - är i obalans. Därför hoppas jag på en politisk majoritet mentalt förberedd på att genomföra krävande förändringar.

Kommunalpolitik är ofta ideologifattig, men som svensk liberal är jag bekväm med Convergència i Unió:s (CiU) företagarvänliga valprogram. Bland partiets kandidater finns det visserligen personer som har ett moralkonservativt synsätt, men de är i minoritet. Å andra sidan, vad gäller näringslivsvillkor och personlig ansträngning finns det inte en enda representant som står till höger om mig åsiktsmässigt. Detta kan kanske lugna dem som tror att CiU-politiker är hjärtelösa nyliberaler.

I en månad har jag följt CiU:s team på nära håll och nu är jag övertygad. Jag röstar på Neus Lloveras!

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Om du har några frågor om Neus Lloveras och CiU:s program i Vilanova i la Geltrú – som jag kan väl – eller om Xavier Trias och CiU:s program för Barcelona – som jag vill lära mig mer om – skriv gärna en kommentar så skall jag försöka att svara.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Vilanova i la Geltrú in a European Roller Hockey Final

Roller Hockey is a big sport in many Latin countries - not the least in Catalonia. One of the stable teams in the Spanish top league - OK Lliga - comes from here, Vilanova i la Geltrú and is famous for its load supporters.

This weekend the finals of the CERS Cup – the roller hockey equivalent to the European League in football – took place in this town and to our delight CP Vilanova had managed to qualify. The competitors were three Portuguese teams and in the semifinals Vilanova surprised many of us by beating HC Braga 5-3.

Today it was time for the final against SL Benfica, but unfortunately we did not see another miracle. Benfica which is technically stronger won 4-6 in an intense match. Personally I was still very impressed - neither the local team nor its supporters gave up until the match was really over.

Congratulations to the silver medal CP Vilanova!

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CP Vilanova won the CERS Cup as recently as 2007.

SWE: Vilanova i la Geltrú i en europeisk rullskridskohockeyfinal

Rullskridskohockey är en stor sport i många latinska länder - inte minst här i Katalonien. Ett av de stabila lagen i den spanska toppligan – OK Lliga – kommer härifrån Vilanova i la Geltrú och är samtidigt känt för sin högljudda hejarklack.

Den här helgen gick slutspelet i CERS-cupen – rullskridskohockeyns motsvarighet till Europa League i fotboll – här i staden och till vår glädje hade CP Vilanova lyckats kvalificera sig. Det ställdes mot tre portugisiska lag och i semifinalen slog de till mångas förvåning HC Braga med 5-3.

Idag var det så dags för final mot SL Benfica men tyvärr skedde inget nytt under. Benfica som är tekniskt starkare vann också med 4-6 i en mycket intensiv match. Personligen var jag mäkta imponerad - varken det lokala laget eller dess hejarklack gav upp förrän matchen verkligen var över.

Grattis till silvermedaljen, CP Vilanova!

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CP Vilanova vann CERS-cupen så sent som 2007.