Friday, 4 November 2011

'Sant Narcís' to remember for 'Marrecs' and 'Capgrossos', but not so for 'Minyons'

The northern parts of Catalonia do not have many traditional exhibitions in human towers but one of the few exceptions is the one held in connection with the Sant Narcís trade fair of Girona. One of the great teams which usually comes here are Minyons de Terrassa and this year, on October 30, they wanted to end the season with a major success – the monster constructions 3de10fm (gamma extra) which they are the only team to ever have completed and both times at home, in Terrassa (1998 and 2002).

The latest training sessions had given them every reason to think this was possible. However, although the assembly in the square went very well, the top children did not feel convinced and the big construction had to be dismantled before being crowned (intent desmuntat). After this difficult start, Minyons completed 3de9f and, later on, 2de8f but when, in between, they attempted to build 5de9f (gamma extra) they saw it collapsing before the crowning of its second part. For this team, the day was marked by deception and I guess they did not feel better when – three days later - Castellers de Vilafranca managed to crown 3de10fm.

The other teams, for their part, will remember Sant Narcís 2011 in bright colours. Capgrossos de Mataró completed 2de8f, 3de9f and 4de9f – in fact the same human towers which they then repeated in Vilafranca during Tots Sants.

The local team, Marrecs de Salt, has had a fantastic season (already before Sant Narcís had they recuperated 4de8, a human tower which they had not been successful with since 2002) and they ended it in the same way – by completeting 4de8 (their third one in 2011), 2de7 and 5de7.

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Read more in Catalan: Diari de Girona and Web Casteller plus a press release by Minyons de Terrassa.

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