Here below you will find a translation of the program. Everybody who wants, is welcome to take part - entry is for free, but you do have to sign up in advance. The panel-discussions will be held primarily in Catalan but also in Spanish. If you plan to take part physically, you are adviced to bring equipment so that you can join the comment flow on Twitter. However, thanks to live streaming, you will be able to follow the events and comment from anywhere in the world.
Friday, June 11
17:00 - Opening ceremony of the 3rd
18:00 - Panel discussion: “Does the Internet reinforce citizen activism?”
Participants: Roger Melcior (, Daniel Julià and Anna Fuster (pimpampum), David Torras (IgualadaNeta), Dani Reguera and Jon E. Eguiluz (Colabora Euskadi), Berta Baquer and Renata Piazza (pares i mares del CEIP Turó de Can Mates)
Moderators and organizors: Redall (Gemma Urgell and Ricard Espelt)
19:30 - Concert by the LapTop Orchestra by the music school Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC).
Dissabte 12 Juny de 2010
10:00 - Panel discussion: “Digital content, technologic tools and education”
In which direction do didactic digital contents go?
Participants: Albert Garcia Pujadas (Nikodemo (CEO, Cálico Electrónico), Simon Lee (CEO, Digital Legends), Ramon Barlam, professor at lES Quercus and member of Espurna) and Narcís Vives (professor and CEO, Intinerarium).
Moderator and organizor: Trina Milan (Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya and
11:30 - Coffee Break
12:00 - Panel discussion: “Tourism 2.0”
How to surprise tourists and make them faithful customers through web 2.0. tools
Participants: Albert Barra (initiator of the social network Turismo 2.0 and marketing oriented hotel operator (Hoteljuice), José Antonio Donaire (Director of Institut Superior d’Estudis Turístics de la UdG (INSETUR), Pilar García (Directora of Museu del Ferrocarril de Vilanova i la Geltrú),
Enric López (Director of Master Gestió Estratègica Empreses Turístiques (e-Tourism) EUHT CETT-UB) and Francesc Balagué (through video conference: La Volta al món porta a porta)
Moderator and organizer: Daniel García Peris (Patronat de Turisme de Subirats)
13:30 - A “Penedesfèric” Lunch and opportunity for members from other blogger communities to present their experience.
15:00 - “Newton’s Mandarine” - a popular science workshop by Irene Lapuente.
16:00 - Panel discussion: “Do media listen to the audience?"
How is media comsumption changing? Does the audience speak out? And do media listen to it?
Participants: Raül Llimós (Primer Toc at RAC1), Joan Carreras ( and David Navarrete (Catalunya Digital)
Moderator and organizor: Sergi Sabaté,
17:30 - Panel discussion: “The many of faces of innovation in Catalonia”
Innovations made by Catalans and with a direct impact on citizens' lives.
Participants: Jordi Urquijo (CEO, 1d3a): "TV on demand", Javier Galán (S21Sec): "Cyber crime, new trends, new challenges", Sandra Redón (Centre d’excel·lencia de la Generalitat de Catalunya, T-Systems): "Business Intelligence 2.0", Carles Cortada (CIO, Consorci Sanitari de Mollet), Joan Carles Castro (i2Cat): “Health care related innovation and Living Labs”), José Antonio Galaso (CitiLab Cornellà):Innovation space".
Moderator and organizor: Rafael Pardo, (eHealth expert): "What is innovation?"
19:30 Innosfera
A special
Innosfera is co-ordinated by Roberto Carreras and Javier Velilla.
The Penedefera Days 2010 are organized by Penedesfera (a section of Institut d’Estudis Penedesencs) and Escola Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG), with the support of Vilanova i la Geltrú, ADEG, DO Penedès and Fundació puntCat.
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Technorati tags: Penedès, Penedesfera, Vilanova,